Progress Meeting
Contractor has progressed well and is now a head of schedule by 11%. Contractor continues excel and continues to address issues with the local residents in the area. These items along with Harwin Change order were discussed in a progress meeting conducted on March 24, 2016. A summary of the contractor’s time and expenditure is as follows: the contractor is roughly 45.0% complete ($6,491,189.48), with 33.7% (202 days) of the time expired. Contractor has submitted Pay Estimate #7 for $2,040,474.20 and CobbFendley has reviewed the pay estimate and concurs with this amount.
Progress of Work
The Contractor is working on the south side of the project working on the northbound lane between Bellaire and De Moss, excluding the Bellaire intersection placing roadway, sidewalk and driveways. Contractor has switched traffic to the east side from US 59 to just south of Bellaire, and is working on paving the west side from US 59 to Bellaire. Contractor has placed the junction box for the storm line on Fondren and the southeast corner of the Harwin intersection and has placed the storm line from US 59 to Bellerive. Currently the contractor is almost finished with the underground utilities on the East side and is paving and placing sidewalks from Harwin to Gulfton, and continuing south. The water line from US 59 to Hiawatha has been tested and accepted by the City. Traffic control has been set up starting south of the US 59 intersection and extending past Clarewood Road. Single lane closures have been set up at the Harwin Road intersection. The contractor has started to install the storm junction box and the rest of the underground utilities at Harwin.
Future Work
The Contractor will continue to focus on finishing the pavement at the southwest side of the project and installing the storm line south of Bellerive to Moonmist and Dashwood to Clairwood. Work will continue on northbound paving between Clairwood to Dashwood and southbound paving between Bellaire and Croton. The 16-Inch water line will be placed from Hiawatha to Clarewood.
RFIs, Work Change Directives and Change Orders
CobbFendley is working directly with AT&T regarding relocation of lines and coordination of junction boxes at the conflict locations. AT&T is in favor of the junction box conflict vault and has implied that they will pay for the vaults as each is installed, Coordination continues regarding this effort and will be updated as more information becomes available.
Change Order 1 is in process and is in the neighborhood of $500,000.00